HDD is a horizontal directional Drilling Process which is make possible to conduct the crossing like reaver, Canal, Bridges, Flyovers, Railway tracks, National highways, All types of Roads, water body, drainages for the pipelines of Water, Gas and Oil etc.
The following calculations shall be done and examine the stress imposed on a pipeline during the
installation of a horizontal directionally drilled crossing prior to pullback during pullback and
installation to confirm that the pipeline will not fail.
The calculations are based on the following:
• Pipe empty on conveyors
• Pipe full of water on conveyors
• Pipe Pull back- empty/full of water
The following stresses are considered:
• Spanning Stress
• Curvature Stress
• Pulling Forces
• External Pressure
• Spanning Stress
• Curvature Stress
• Tensile Stress
• Hoop Stress
• Stress summery
We need to consider the number of segments of HDD based on above parameters and other mandatory
requirement of Isolation valves as per alignment sheets etc.
We need to calculate the stress
calculation as described in the Deutsche standard NEN 3650 and NEN 3651 or equivalent.
The following phases should be analyzed in the pipeline design... process:
Predisposition of the launching catenary:
Before the pulling operation, the pipeline is outside the bore-hole and has a configuration
allows it to enter the hole. During this phase, the only bending moment is due to the curvature
of the
catenary and the weight. The pipeline should be designed so that it behaves elastically.
Pull-back operation:
In this phase the pipeline will be pulled back through the bore-hole.
The following forces should be considered:
Bending moment due to curvature of the hole;
• Friction force between the pipe and drilling mud including the friction due to extra
cables/sleeves attached to the string;
• Friction force inside the hole, at the location where the soil reaction occurs;
• stress due to soil reaction;
• The resultant stress should be calculated and the pipeline designed to behave
Operating conditions:
• In this phase the loads acting on the pipeline are:
• Bending moment due to curvature of the hole; internal pressure of the gas;
• temperature difference of the line between the pipe-laying and operating conditions;
• dead loads Vertical soil load at the top of the pipe can be calculated for different pipe
laying conditions.
The following effects should be combined for the purposes of calculating the resultant
Calculated longitudinal effects on the entire pipeline system;
Calculated effects on the cross-section of the pipeline.
The stress/strain shall not exceed the relevant allowable stress.
The effects of soil load on the cross-section of the pipe may be analyzed. This analysis should
be carried out at the deepest point reached in drilling.
4.0 Installation Procedure
After a detailed study of the soil investigation of the River, the following
installation method has been formulated to provide a successful installation using
horizontal directional drilling.
The following details the methodology of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) works.
HDD is a two-stage process. The first stage will consist of drilling a small diameter
pilot hole along a designated directional path. The second stage involves enlarging this
pilot hole to a diameter that will accommodate the carrier pipe and pulling carrier pipe
back into the enlarged hole.
Pilot Hole:-
Rig up shall be done after mobilizing the equipment at drill location. Rig shall be
anchored apposite the crossing before start of pilot hole.
The pilot hole shall by drilled with a Horizontal Directional drilling rig, to enter the
ground at an angle of entry as per calculation. Pilot hole directional
capability is accomplished by using a Drill Bit. The offset creates a steering bias in
its direction and plane. If a change in direction is required, the same will be done by
pushing drill string so that the direction of bias is the same as desired change in
direction. Mechanical cutting action can be achieved by the bit attached to the offset
drill string.
The actual path of the pilot hole will be monitored by a state-of-art magnetic guidance
system (Drill Bit Locator) . The actual path of the pilot hole is monitored during
drilling by
taking periodic readings of the inclination and azimuth of the leading edge. These
readings, in conjunction with measurements of the distance drilled since the last
survey, are used to calculate the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates along the pilot
hole relative to the initial entry point on the surface and profile is plotted for the
actual path being taken along the proposed alignment. Readings are taken at every joint
(normally a drill road length) the track record will help during cable and pipeline
When the bit penetrates the surface at the exit point, the pilot hole is complete.
Reamimg and Pulling
After the completion of pilot hole, depending on the drilled cuttings and actual soil
encountered during the pilot hole, combinations of Cutters /Reamers will be used to
enlarge the hole.
The Cutter / Reamer will be fixed to the drill string will be rotated and pulled/pushed
through the pilot hole. The cutter will cut through the hole with the cutting action of
bentonite pumped through the drill string. On completion of first pass other Reamer
(sizes may vary as per actual condition) shall be used to enlarge the hole. Cleaning
passes as required shall be done depending on the soil conditions encountered. It is to
be noted that the passes mentioned in the schedule are tentative and might change as per
the soil conditions encountered as per the pilot hole logs. It will be decided at the
site to use various combination of down hole tools as per the requirement by the
Driller. Also the sizes of Reamers/Cutters and sequences to use these can be varying as
per actual site conditions.
Once the cutting passes are complete a non-rotating swivel will be attached to the pull
head welded to the pipeline section to prevent tensional stress on the pipeline. The
drill string is aligned with the product pipe. An overhead bend will be formed by
lifting the product pipe to the
correct height to allow smooth entry in the borehole. As the pipeline section is drawn
towards the drill rig the pipeline section will be adequately cradled with rolling
cradles IUM) to facilitate a stress free line-up with the pre-reamed hole. Product pipe
shall be placed on rollers to minimize the friction during pulling.
Bentonite will be pumped during pullback. Bentonite slurry and returns from the drilled
hole shall be disposed off either in the river through the small ditch or in the mud pit
to be excavated at site. During drilling process check shall be maintained to check
the viscosity and mixing of mud shall be controlled as per the soil conditions in
countered. Upon reaching rig side, the final reamer and pull back swivel are removed and
the pulling head cut from in the product pipe. After completion of pull back, the rig
down shall be done and the equipment is demobilized after clearing/cleaning the work